Strategic planning with a productive chain approach to identify training needs in the agri-food

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Nelda Guadalupe Uzcanga Pérez
Aixchel Maya Martínez
Blanca Sánchez Toledano
Alejandro Cano González


chains, training, tropical fruits trees


Objective: generate a strategic approach, with a productive chain approach, that allows identifying training needs in the agro-food sector in Quintana Roo. Design/methodology/approach: Three methodological stages were: 1) Workshop to capture training needs, through participatory action, to obtain a relational framework of the institutions of the sector in which the trained interact and to identify and prioritize, with a double matrix input, training needs, 2) Preparation of the training program, using as input the needs identified in the recruitment workshop, 3) Execution of the training, with an Ex ante and Ex post evaluation of each topic to verify that the training was effective. Results: The main problems detected were marketing (28.8 %), production (25.9 %), supplier of inputs and services (25.3 %), transformation (12.2 %) and consumption (7.1%). Likewise, a relational framework of 25 institutions that provide support to the different links identified. The median achievement before training was 8.92 correct answers and 10.81 after. Limitations on study/implications: The capacity of the course was limited by the available resources, both installation and financial. However, it is important to implement the mixed modality to reach a greater number of people. Findings/conclusions: Strategic planning with a productive chain approach is a useful tool to focus ad hoc training needs, since 70.9 % of professionals improved their skills on crops of interest.

Abstract 46 | EARLY ACCESS 17 (Español (España)) Downloads 0

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