Evaluation of the performance of chicken carcasses from a poultry slaughter plant in the eastern plains of Colombia under automated processing conditions.

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Sebastian Beltran Jimenez
Laura A. Aponte-Sarmiento
David F Quevedo-Cuestas
Nancy Y. Monsalve-Estrada
Luis G. López-Muñoz
Brayan D. Molina-Busto


Carcass, efficiency, Broilers, production system, yield


Objective: To evaluate the performance of dry and wet broiler carcasses by the different suppliers (supplier A and supplier B) that manage a technified poultry processing plant in the Colombian Eastern Plains by department (Cundinamarca and Meta) and sex (females and males).

Design/methodology/approach: A total of 777 chicks were used, of which 398 chicks were supplied by supplier A and 384 chicks by supplier B, where equal proportions of females and males were established for subsequent analysis of carcass yield. To determine the behavior of the variables analyzed, inferential statistics were used to observe significant differences between variables by ANOVA test and descriptive statistics.

Results: The highest yields of the research were obtained by supplier B with 11.93% increase in carcass weight after prechilling and chilling; the zone of the plains near the processing plant located in Cumaral obtained better results with a percentage of 2.79% above the standing weights of the zone of Cundinamarca, and in the comparison by sexes, the males were dominant since the standing weights were 5.47% heavier and the carcass weights 6.67% heavier.

Findings/conclusions: The poultry meat production chain at AVIMA S.A. has yields after the prechilling and chilling processes of over 10% in dry carcass weight increase, which means that the poultry pore stimulation and cooling are done in an optimal way, generating profits in weight.

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