un Evaluation of the efficiency of rhizobial biofertilizers in guava crop (Psidium guajava L.) using statistical quality control. Rhizobial biofertilizers in guava crop

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Francisco A. Rincón-Molina
Clara I. Rincón-Molina
Luis A. Manzano-Gómez


Biofertilizer, guava crop, Sinorhizobium, quality control


The objective of this work was to apply statistical quality control to evaluate the efficiency of biofertilizers for the sustainable development of guava (Psidium guajava) crops in Chiapas, Mexico. Physicochemical parameters were analyzed to determine soil fertility in guava crops. The structure and diversity of the bacterial community was studied by structural metagenomics. A quality control statistical analysis was applied to determine the effect of biofertilization on the growth and production of the guava plant crop. Rhizobial biofertilization significantly improved the growth and production of the guava crop. S. mexicanum ITTG-R7 stood out as a PGPB species that can contribute to the growth of guava plants and also improve the quality and functionality of the soil. Phytotechnical management, agricultural inputs, soil nature, labor, raw material were the main causes that are related to low yield in guava cultivation. Experimental statistical analyzes and quality control are effective tools to determine the efficiency of biofertilizers in fruit crops.

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