Sexual propagation of Abies religiosa by inhibition in wáter at different temperaturas and times.

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Leoncio Hernandez-Valera
Víctor M Cetina Alcalá
Carlos Ramírez-Herrera
Jesús Jasso-Mata
Iván F. Quiroz-Ibáñes
Héctor González-Rosas



Objective: To increase the percentage of germination in Abies religiosa by immersion in water at different temperatures and times that the seeds will be soaked.

Design/methodology/approach: A completely randomized factorial experiment was carried oud with five temperatures (10, Ta, 30, 40 and 50 °C) and 13 times expressed in seconds (10, 20, 40, 60, 600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 3000, 3600, 7200, 14400 and 2160) with a total of 65 treatments and 30 replications of each treatment. The seed were immersed in water at different temperatures and times corresponded to each treatment in order to obtain the best treatment that generated the highest percentage.

Results: The best pre-germinative treatment that generated the highest germination percentage was the combination of temperature of 40 °C and a time of 7200s, obtaining 73% germination, and 14% germination as the lowest percentage in the combinations (10 °C x 20s and 10 °C x 40s), generating 26 treatments with percentages higher than 50% germination, registering a peak value of 8.56 and 11.7 days to reach the peak value.

Limitations on study/implications: In the experiment, it was important to maintain the different temperatures constant, being those of longer time, lower temperature and higher temperature the most difficult to control and maintain

Findings/conclusions: Abies religiosa is able to tolerate and generate acceptable germination percentages with the highest temperature used (50 °C), being one of the best temperatures, which was supposed to generate low germination percentages.

Keywords: Germination, Temperature, Time, Peak value

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