Phytophagous invertebrates that damage orchids in gardens in western Tabasco, Mexico

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Leonides Córdova Ballona


Orchidaceae, Insecta, Mollusca, southeastern Mexico


Objective: To record six species of invertebrates that damage orchids in gardens in western Statae of Tabasco, Mexico.

Methodology: As part of the project "Fauna associated with cultivated plants in the south-southeast region of Mexico", non-systematic collects of invertebrates were made that were observed damaging orchids in three gardens in the western part of the state of Tabasco. The invertebrates were identified through descriptions and taxonomic keys.

Results: Four species of insects of the order Coleoptera and two species of molluscs of the class Gastropoda are recorded. The insects are (1) Diabrotica adelpha Harold (Chrysomelidae), (2) Stethobaris sp. (Curculionidae), (3) Cyclocephala guttata Bates (Scarabaeidae), these three damaging flowers of Brassavola nodosa (L.) Lindley, and (4) Stethobaroides nudiventris Champion (Curculionidae) damaging flowers of Catasetum integerrimum Hook. The molluscs are (1) Subulina octona (Bruguière) (Subulinidae) scraping leaves of Gongora leucochila Lem., Phalaenopsis sp. and C. integerrimum, and (2) Sarasinula plebeia(P.Fischer) (Veronicellidae) damaging leaves of C. integerrimum.

Limitations on study: It was not possible to specifically identify one of the insect species (Stethobaris sp.) and one of the damaged orchid species (Phalaenopsis sp).

Conclusions: This work contributes to the knowledge of invertebrates that damage orchids in Mexico, and is a basis for future studies to determine the incidence and importance of these organisms in the conservation and cultivation of orchids in this area of ​​Tabasco.

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