The Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. niveum: causal agent of watermelon vascular wilt

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Tania E. González-Soto
Irene Iliana Ramirez Bustos


Citrullus lanatus, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. niveum, marchitez vascular


Objective: To describe Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. niveum (Fon), as the causal agent of vascular wilt in watermelon crop.

Design/methodology/approximation: A review of scientific literature (books, notes and scientific articles) was carried out on Fon as the causal agent of vascular wilt in watermelon cultivation; biology, symptoms, disease cycle, isolation and management alternatives.

Results: Fusarium wilt in watermelon is the main fungal disease of this crop worldwide. The necrosis of the vascular tissue and the wilting of the plant are the most characteristic symptoms of the disease. There are four races of this fungus (Fon race 0, 1, 2 and 3); commercial varieties of watermelons have different degrees of resistance to these races. Practices such as correct diagnosis, the use of grafting, solarization, fungicides, biological products and genetic resistance can significantly reduce the impact of the disease on production.

Findings/conclusions: In Mexico, knowledge about the vascular wilt of watermelon is scarce, despite the fact that this disease, today, continues to be one of the factors that limits the commercial production of watermelons. Greater knowledge about the symptoms, the biology of the fungus, the presence and distribution of races, diagnosis and management alternatives for Fon, will allow integrating these into appropriate management practices that favor the commercial production of the crop.


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