Structure and operation of the rabbit meat production chain, Texcoco, México

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María Evangelina Galán-Caballero
Miguel Jorge Escalona-Maurice
María Josefa Jiménez-Moreno
Oliverio Hernández-Romero
Ignacio Caamal-Cahuich
Gustavo3 Velázquez-Marzano



Objective: The objective was to describe and analyze the situation and interrelation between the actors in the rabbit meat production chain, to identify the main factors that determine competitiveness.

Design/methodology/approach: The methodology used in the research is mixed (qualitative and quantitative). The type of sampling used was “snowball”. A survey was applied to 33 rabbit producers, a statistical analysis of the data was carried out with the SPSS software (Statistical Packageforth Social Sciences) and with the use of Geographic Information Systems, the farms were geo-located with Arcview ® version 3.2.

Results: The results show the actors that make up the production chain is made up of various actors, who lack communication between them and highlight their commercial relationship between producers, equipment, food and breeding stock suppliers, placing the producers as the weakest of the chain, only as a supplier of raw material. The producers are heterogeneous and mainly have two types of farm; backyard and semi-technical. The spatial distribution map of 33 producers was obtained.

Limitations on study/implications: Despite the fact that rabbit breeding is a complementary activity of important for food, the study area showed that there are no links between the various agents that make up the links of production chain, except for a strictly commercial.  

Findings/conclusions: It is concluded that the null organization of producers keeps them excluded from the production chain.

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