Effect of Bacillus spp. on the germination and growth of roselle plants (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.)

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Honelver Santiago Santiago
S. Aranda-Ocampo
J. Hernández-Morales
A. Peña-Lomeli


Roselle, Bacillus sp, Bio-priming, germination, growth


Objective: To analyze the effect of three native strains of Bacillus spp. of roselle on the germination and plant growth of tecoanapa plants under greenhouse conditions under the Bio-priming method.

Design/methodology/approach: The identity of the Bacillus strains was corroborated by the PCR technique, with the universal primers 27F and 1492R for amplification of the 16S rDNA gene. The roselle seeds were treated with bacterial cells of Bacillus spp. by the Biopriming method, evaluating the effect on the germination and growth of the plants. The variables evaluated were: percentage of germination, plant height, root length, dry matter in plants and root.

Results: B. velezensis (T1), B. amyloliquefaciens (T2) and B. subtilis (T3) were molecularly identified.  The three treatments promote an increase in the percentage of germination, in the length of root and height of the plant, in the same way, an increase in the weight of the dry matter in plants and root was registered, with a significant difference between the treatments 1, 2, 3 and the control.

Limitations / implications: Bacillus sp. strains need to reach commercial production for field applications.

Findings/ conclusions: B. velezensis is the species which showed the highest percentage of germination and growth promoting effect, followed by B. amyloliquefaciens and B. subtilis respectively.

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