Phenology and quality of habanero pepper fruits (Capsicum chinense Jacq.) due to nutrient solution in hydroponics

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Rocío E. Meneses-Lazo
Sealtiel May-Lugo
Eduardo Villanueva-Couoh
Kati Medina-Dzul
Ileana Echevarría-Machado
René Garruña




Objetive: Evaluate both phenology and fruits quality of Habanero pepper watered with three nutritive solutions.

Design/methodology/approach: Nutritive solutions of Steiner, Hoagland and Soria were used in a hydroponic system to evaluate phenology, morphology and pungency of Habanero pepper fruits.

Results: It was observed that in Soria solution flowering stage was four days before than others, but fruiting stage was two days delayed with respect to other treatments. Steiner solution increased length (4 cm), diameter (2.9 cm), weight (8 g) and moisture content (89%) of fruits with respect to the other treatments. Capsaicin and dihidrocapsaicin increased in plants irrigated with Steiner (24 and 12.5 mg g-1, respectively) and Soria solution (23 and 12.7 mg g-1, respectively), as well as Scoville Heat Units (SHU) (>538,000).

Limitations on study/implications: Although good results were found in some treatments, more studies are required to evaluate the nutritional composition of the different organs of habanero pepper plants and by phenological stages.

Findings/conclusions: Taking into account phenology, fruits quality and capsaicinoids content, Steiner solution could be an option for Habanero pepper crop in hydroponic systems.

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