Characterization of agents in the value chain and marketing channels of strand cheese in the municipality of Vega de Alatorre, Veracruz

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Ingrid Liliana Gómez-Huesca
Pablo Díaz-Rivera
Ponciano Pérez-Hernández
Jorge Aguilar-Ávila
Julio Vilaboa-Arroniz


Localized Agrifood System, Market failures, agents



Objetive: To characterize the agents of the value chain and marketing channels of strand cheese in the municipality of Vega de Alatorre, Veracruz.

Methodology: A survey study was conducted, from June-August 2019 through interviews. 61 of these were applied to dairy farmers and 22 dairy processors (cheese factories). Through the Localized Agrifood Systems (SIAL) and value chain approaches.

Results: The strand cheese value chain in the municipality is made up of input suppliers, farmers, gatherers, cheese makers, marketers and final consumer. The commercialization of strand cheese has five channels: the cheese maker moves his production where he sells to wholesalers and retailers, sale in stores, establishments or restaurants in the region, sale to intermediaries who come to the plant to buy the product, direct sale, in traditional shop or cremerie in the municipality and small-scale home sales to final consumers.

Limitations on study: distrust by some agents to provide information for the study, due basically to the insecurity that exists in the state of Veracruz.

conclusion: limitations were found for the development and integration of the value chain. The lack of purchase and sale contracts and of collaborating agreements. Prices are set subjectively; In addition, to influence the market price, producers and / or processors arbitrarily condition the supply or demand of both milk and cheese, which creates market failures and makes it imperfect.

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