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J.G. Herrera-Haro


dairy farms, point of equilibrium, profitability, utility.


In Estado de México there is a lack of productive, economic and social indicators of family dairy livestock production. The objective of the study was to identify these parameters, in the municipality of Texcoco and San Andrés Chiautla in the eastern region of Estado de México. The information was obtained through direct surveys with producers and visits to dairy farms. A random unconditional sampling design and periodical monitoring of the indicators mentioned was used; the size of the sample was made up of 24 family farms, which make up 22 % of the population. The results indicated a small-scale production system, integrated mostly by producers older than 50 years, with experience in livestock production of 28 years, with average herds of 21 Holstein animals, housed in small barns of 904 m2 and average production of 14.65 kg cow-1 day-1.The total cost of annual milk production and fattening calves was $236,871.14 Mexican pesos, corresponding 90.7 % to variable costs and 9.3 % to fixed costs, whose income over the sale of products generated (milk and fattening calves) was $299,121.45. The use per sold product was $1.32 kg-1 for milk and $8.45 kg-1 for meat, obtaining a profitability of 20.81 %. The production cost per liter of milk was $5.05, covering this production cost with 10,252.77 liters, generated by three cows.

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