Production of basidiomes of Schizophyllum commune (Fungi: Basidiomycota) in agricultural by-products of Tabasco, Mexico

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Santa Dolores Carreño-Ruiz
Silvia Cappello-García
Rigoberto Gaitan-Hernandez
Magdiel Torres-De la Cruz
José Ángel Gaspar-Génico
José Edmundo Rosique-Gil



Objective: The in vitro mycelial growth rate of Schizophyllum commune Fr. 1815 strains
from Tabasco, Mexico and the production of basidiomas in different regional agricultural
substrates was evaluated. Four strains were used: CCG003, CGG009, CCG010 and
CGG13, and four substrates: cocoa peel (CP), banana leaves (BL), corn leaves (CL)
and as a control, mulatto wood (MW). Based on the speed of growth, two strains and
three substrates were selected to evaluate the basidiomas production in two types of
containers: plastic bags and rectangular trays. Productivity was assessed based on
Biological Efficiency (BE), Yield (Y) and Production Rate (PR). At 12 days of incubation,
the highest mycelial growth rate was recorded in CP by CCG003 and CCG013 strains
(51.6±22.1, and 64.4±18.1 mm d -1 ) and in HM and HP by CCG009 and CCG010 strains
(86.9±17.8, and 58±7.8 mm d -1 ), compared to the control substrate (from 117.2±7.4 to

120± 0.0 mm d -1 ). High production was recorded in the CC by the CCG009 strain, grown
in bags, with BE of 12.8±2.6%, Y of 4.1 ± 0.8% and PR of 0.7±0.1%. The production of
S. commune was better in the bag than in the tray. This study represents an advance in
the production of basidiomas of this important fungus, as a food alternative for the
tropical regions of Mexico.

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