Preparation and characterization nutritious of liquid organic fertilizers in tropical conditions

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Francisco Rojas-Pérez
Sergio Salgado-García
José J. Obrador-Olán
Jesús Arreola-Enríquez


bovine biol, leachate of californian earthworm and compost tea, bovine biol, californian earthworm leachate, compost tea


Objective: To characterize the nutritional properties of liquid organic fertilizers (vermicompost tea, organic leachate and biol) made with crop residues from the Chontalpa region.

design / methodology: The design for the preparation of liquid organic fertilizers was based on the recommendations issued by FAO. Nutrient estimates were according to the methods of Semi-micro Kjeldahl for N, Vanadio-molybdic for P and digestion with HNO3-HClO4 for K, Ca, Mg, Na, Fe, Cu, Zn and Mn.

Results: Worm leachate was the one that presented the highest values ??significantly with concentration of major elements NPK with 1.27%, 1.17% and 2.04% respectively, followed by bovine biol with 1.02%, 0.95% and 1.19% of NPK respectively, finally compost tea with the lowest statistically concentrations. In terms of micronutrients such as iron, copper, zinc and manganese, bovine biol presented the highest contents.

Limitations / implications: The chemical composition of liquid organic fertilizers depends on the quality of the organic matter with which they were made and their preparation form either aerobic or anaerobic.

Findings / conclusions: The leachate of earthworm and biol are the fertilizers that presented the highest concentration of nutrients, concluding that bovine biol is the fastest, most economical and profitable way to use it in agriculture.

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