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Emanuel ovando


: Hierarchical, clusters, dendrograms, analysis, diversity, pasto elefante


Objective: The objective of the present study was to characterize the morphology of 15 accessions of pastures of the Pennisetum purpureum species.

Design/methodology/approach: The morphological characterization of 15 pasture accessions of the Germplasm Bank of the Rosario Izapa Experimental Field was carried out in the vegetative phase based on 28 qualitative and quantitative characters. Ten plants were used per accession. Average, minimum, maximum values and coefficient of variation for quantitative data and mode for qualitative data were determined. The average and modal database was used to perform a hierarchical cluster analysis with Gower's distance and Ward's method.

Results: The quantitative variables of the pastures presented little variability (coefficient of variation less than 25%), while the qualitative variables that presented variation were growth habit, color and shape of the stem, position, layout, shape, color and border of leaflet; color of the adaxial and abaxial rib, pubescence of foliole in the adaxial and abaxial part, position, color and pubescence of the sheath; type and color of ligule, and profil. The 15 accessions of Pennisetum purpureum were grouped into 2 groups, which contrast mainly with the profil and position of the leaflet.

Limitations on study/implications: For greater accuracy on the morphological diversity of the pastures, it is necessary to perform the characterization of the inflorescence and the spicule.

Findings/conclusions: Pennisetum purpuereum accessions of the Germplasm Bank of the Rosario Izapa Experimental Field presented acceptable morphological diversity based on 28 characters.

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