Biomass production and nutrients uptake for Eucalyptus grandis (Hill ex Maiden) and Eucalyptus urophylla (S.T. Blake) plantation in Ultisols of Mexico

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David J. Palma-Cancino
Francisco J. Mercado-Zapata,
David J. Palma-López,
Jesús Jasso-Mata,
Eugenio Carillo-Ávila,
Sergio Salgado-García


savanna, soils taxonomy, site quality, soil aptitude.


Objective: Compare biomass production and nutrients accumulation in a plot of Eucalyptus grandis and a plot of Eucalyptus urophylla on four sites of study.

Design/methodology/approach: The soils were classified for each site and the biomass productivity in each plantation was evaluated. Soils samples were extracted in each site to determined soil fertility and nutrient uptake by the eucalyptus trees.

Results: Site A soil was classified has a Plinthudult, site B was a Rhodudult, site C was a Plinthohumult, and site D was a Paleudult. E. grandis on site C produced lower amount of biomass than sites A, B and D. E. urophylla produced statistically different amount of biomass on each site. Nutrient extraction was statistically lower in sites A and C than in sites B and D.

Limitations/implications: Great adaptability to tropical climate and Ultisoils limit the result extrapolation.

Findings/Conclusions: Biomass production and nutrient extraction in eucalyptus plantations are directly related to site quality establish in soil classification

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