Semiautomatisation af an small scale greenhouse

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Zoe A. Guadiana-Alvarado
Héctor M. Durán-García
Erich D. Rossel-Kipping
Marcos Algara-Siller
Rodolfo Cisneros-Almazán


automation, greenhouse, agriculture, agroindustry.


Objective: Implement a low-cost semi-automated system in a small-scale greenhouse

Design/methodology/approach: For the automation an arduino plate, an RHT03 sensor, a 78xx regulator, a Big John Giant pump of a 1 hp and a Sun Hold Ras 0510 relay were used. With the Arduino board, a semi-automated system was implemented that controls the ignition and shutdown of the irrigation and nebulization system, the temperature, relative humidity and humidity of the substrate are regulated.

Results: The parameters that were measured are humidity of the substrate, relative humidity and, temperature with a total of 5 sensors for relative humidity and temperature and three sensors for the humidity of the substrate. By measuring these variables the on and off of pumps for irrigation and fogging is controlled, as well as having terminals that in the future can control the opening and closing of the lateral vents.

Implications: We were able to confirm that the automation of the greenhouse helps to streamline agricultural processes while optimizing and controlling climatic axes that can be assumed as possible threats in the framework of the planting and ripening process. We also check the effectiveness of this type of methods when producing and taking care of the fruit.
Conclusions: The automation to be controlled by a computer, facilitates having several modules in operation, controlling
the irrigation and nebulization pumps according to the needs of each module.

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