PREFERENCIA DE Polyphagotarsonemus latus (Banks) (Acari: Tarsonemidae) A LAS HOSPEDANTES: Carica papaya L., Phaseolus acutifolius Asa Gray y Melanthera aspera (Jacq) Small.

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J. Marroquín-Agreda


Mite, Attractant, Host, Oviposition


Objetive: To analyze the preference of the Polyphagotarsonemus latus mite for commercial papaya (Carica papaya),
“escumite” beans (Phaseolus acutifolius), and white “Sajan” (Melanthera aspera) as hosts.
Design/Method/Approach: A completely randomized factorial design was used, with three treatments: 1) plant leaves showing mechanical damage (carborundum), 2) plant leaves showing mite damage, and 3) healthy plant leaves; and 12 repetitions. Bioassay sites consisted of Petri dishes in which 30 females were placed at equal distances (5 cm) from leaves of the three different host species. Observations were made at intervals of one hour, number of mites and foliar areas of the leaves offered were recorded. The means were compared by the DMS test (0.05).
Results: Results showed greater preference for P. latus leaves from white sajan and escumite bean plants, while papaya plant leaves were less attractive to the mites. However, mite preference for leaves increased and became more selective when these were damaged by chewing by the same mite. There were no significant differences between leaf areas in the treatment with healthy leaves and mechanical damage, but there were in areas with mite damage. P. latus females oviposited only on escumite bean leaves after two days.
Research Limitations/Implications: Early wilting of the white sajan can be a limitation to analyze repulsion responses, since the experiments require a longer observation period.
Findings/Conclusions: P. latus preferred more the leaves of the white sajan and escumite bean than the papaya leaves damaged by herbivory. It was only seen that the limbo of papaya leaves was reduced due to the action of herbivory.

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