FIRST RECORD OF Leucanella viridescens Walker, 1855 (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae: Hemileucinae) IN THE CULTIVATION OF MULBERRY (Morus alba Linn.)

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L.T. Rodríguez-Ortega


black larva, saturniid, mulberry plantation.


Objective: To determine and describe biological aspects of black larvae with yellow silks of the Saturniidae family.

Design / methodology / approximation: Ten larvae of the fifth instar of black color were collected in mulberry foliage, these elaborated their cocoons with brown silk. The pupae were separated from the cocoon 15 days after forming and conserved in cardboard boxes. The emergence of the adults was carried out under environmental conditions in an entomological chamber. Measurements of egg, larva, pupa, cocoon and adult were recorded.

Results: After seven months in the state of pupa, brown moths with anterior wings resembling a dry leaf emerged. In a state of rest, the wings cover the abdomen completely and, when disturbed, open the first pair of wings and show large and circular spots with bright colors that are at the center of the hind wings. The female is slightly larger than the male, its wingspan is 11 cm with a robust abdomen and filiform antennae. The male has bipectinate antennae and small abdomen.

Limitations of the study / implications: In the Valle del Mezquital, Estado de Hidalgo, there is very little information on saturniid larvae damaging crops or native flora.

Findings / Conclusions: In this investigation it is concluded that the larvae that damage the leaves of the mulberry cultivation in the Valle del Mezquital, Hidalgo, are of the species Leucanella viridescens.

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