Detection of Bruggmanniella perseae in Hass avocado (Persea americana cv. Hass) in Morelos, Mexico


Paul García-Escamilla
Elías Hernández-Castro
José Antonio Mora-Aguilera
Yuridia Durán-Trujillo
Abraham Monteon-Ojeda


Ovarian fly, Bruggmanniella perseae, Avocado, Perseae americana, Ce-cidomyiidae.


Objective: to determine the presence of Bruggmanniella perseae in commercial Hass avocado orchards in Tetela
del Volcán, Morelos (Mexico).
Design/Methodology/Approach: sampling was carried out in three Hass avocado orchards during October-
December 2020. Adults of B. perseae were collected by direct collections of small fruits in the form of a spinning
top, with symptoms of B. perseae infestation inside. The adults thus collected were observed under a stereo
microscope and a scanning electron microscope to confirm their identity.
Results: adult specimens of B. perseae were captured and analyzed in the laboratory and their presence at the
sampling site was confirmed. Avocado fruits with typical symptoms of avocado ovary fly larva infestation were
collected. If not controlled at the beginning of fruit tying, it can be a threat to avocado production (yield) in the
region. These results are the basis for generating knowledge about this pest, regarding its biology, distribution
and control methods.
Results: adult specimens of B. perseae were captured and analyzed in the laboratory and their presence at the
sampling site was confirmed. Avocado fruits with typical symptoms of avocado ovary fly larva infestation were
collected. If not controlled at the start of the fruiting larvae can be a threat to avocado production (yield) in the
region. These results are the basis for generating knowledge about biology, distribution and control methods
for this pest.
Limitations/Implications of the study: capturing adults of B. perseae in the field is difficult, requiring the use
of sticky colored traps, or other effective alternatives.
Findings/Conclusions: the presence of B. perseae was confirmed in avocado cv. Hass in Tetela del Volcán,
Morelos. The information generated can help avocado growers implement management measures and reduce
losses from this pest

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