Asexual reproduction: an alternative for the propagation and conservation of papaya (Carica papaya L.) native to Guerrero, Mexico


Elías Hernández-Castro
Arlae Rojas-López
José Luis Valenzuela-Lagarda
Juan Elías Sabino-López
Paul García-Escamilla
Abraham Monteon-Ojeda


Carica papaya, rooting, shoots, root length, substrate.


Objective: Evaluate the effect of three types of substrate and different shoot lengths on
the rooting of Carica papaya L. shoots.
Design/ methodology/ approach: This experiment followed a completely randomized
design with a 2×3 factorial arrangement. Shoots of 30 and 40 cm of length were
collected in March 2018 from the lateral branches of papaya plants (Carica papaya L.)
native to various regions of Guerrero. Shoots were placed in different substrates: 1)
sand, 2) Peat Moss®, and 3) sand and Peat Moss® mixture (70:30, v/v). Sixty days after
planting, rooting percentage, root length, plant height, stem diameter, number of leaves,
crown diameter, biomass fresh weight, biomass dry weight, root fresh weight, and root
dry weight were evaluated. Data were analyzed through an analysis of variance and a
mean difference test (Tukey, p?0.05).
Results: The rooting of 40- and 30-cm shoots was 60 and 50%, respectively. Plants
with the highest height, number of leaves, root length, and crown diameter derived from 240-cm shoots. Sand was the best substrate for rooting, where plants with higher fresh
biomass were significantly developed.
Study limitations/ implications: Continue study during the flowering and fruiting
Findings/ conclusions: This protocol allows the rooting of papaya shoots.

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