Prevalence of productive impact diseases in cattle in Gomez Farias County, Jalisco, Mexico


Oziel D. Montañez-Valdez
J. Guadalupe Michel Parra
José A. Martínez Ibarra
Andrés E. Michel Hernández
José A. Reyes Gutiérrez
Miguel Chávez Espinoza


Cattle, metabolic problems, parasites.


Andrés Ixtlán, Gómez Farías county, Jalisco, México; through the monthly collection from clinical cases data, attended from January 2019 to January 2020, in seven smallholders dairy farms.

Design/Methodology/Approach: Seven different smallholder livestock production units, mainly semi-stalled dairy cows, were monitored from January 2019 to January 2020, To calculate the frequency of the disease, the prevalence rate (PR) and the cumulative incidence rate (CIR) were determined, through the following equations: PR = (Total cases in a population at a given place and time / Total population at that place and given time)

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