Is there a “made in Mexico” model for innovation transfer or diffusion among farmers?


Katia A. Figueroa-Rodríguez
J. Alberto García Vázquez


Agriculture Innovation Systems, extensionist, technological model.


Objective: To determine the existence or absence of a model or several models for the transfer of innovations that have been developed and evaluated in Mexico.

Design/methodology/approach: Using the SCOPUS® metadatabase, a search was conducted with the words innovation AND farmer AND Mexico. It resulted in 70 articles, of which only 35 met the selection criteria.

Results: The articles used concepts, frames of reference, and, to a lesser degree, theories to support their research. The highest number of published cases dealt with the MasAgro technological hub model in maize and the GGAVATT model for group-oriented work in livestock.

Limitations on study/implications: Using a metadata base that is not open access limits the results, since technical reports, books, and other documents that might otherwise enrich the discussion are left aside.

Findings/conclusions: There is still much to be theorized in order to create new models adapted to other product systems that could promote technology transfer from the institutions of the sector and researchers to farmers.

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