Regionalization of fish production in Mexico based on production value data in MXN pesos.


L.D. Magadán-Revelo
M. J. Escalona-Maurice
Y. M. Fernández-Ordóñez
A. Aguilar-Ibarra


Economic regionalization, Geostatistics, Mexican fishing, Value of production.


Objective: Generate a fishing regionalization activity in Mexico based on the economic criteria due to the
value of fishery production.
Design/Methodology/Approach: Socioeconomic data was taken as well as analyzed from the Statistical
Yearbook of Aquaculture and Fisheries of fisheries in Mexico. Subsequently, the findings were organized
in a database with geospatial referent reclassified into nominal or ordinal qualitative statistical values. The
reclassification process was done through the use of a Geographic Information System, specifically with
Arcview 3.2 software, which allowed the generation of geostatistical analysis procedures through the use of
the Kriging tool.
Results: The results are displayed in a visually referenced database shown on a map constructed by data
vectorization. The regionalization map of fisheries in Mexico is based on economic criteria of production value
classified in four zones with different fishing priority.
Limitations/implications: The lack of studies and social, economic and productive indexes of the Mexican
fishery is a limitation in the work of regionalization of fishing activity.
Findings/conclusions: The efficiency of the use of Kriging as a multispecific analysis tool can be proven.
The proposed regionalization is based solely on the monetary value, an item that has a greater weight in
the decisions made by the institutions, due to its importance in terms of Mexico’s Gross Domestic Product.
These criteria together with the use of computational tools allowed the geolocalized regional categorization
of zones with similar characteristics classified into four fishing regions according to their degree of economic
importance: low, medium, high and main.

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