Analysis of backyard agriculture and livestock production activities in the South Huasteca Region in San Luis Potosí, Mexico


Celia Gutiérrez-Fidencio
Efren Ramirez-Bribiesca
Roberto C. García-Sánchez
Ma del Carmen López-Reyna
Rosy G. Cruz-Monterrosa


Agricultural, livestock and backyard farming


Objective: To carry out a diagnosis and assess the importance of backyard agriculture and livestock production in rural communities of the XV District in the South Huasteca Region of the State of San Luis Potosí, Mexico, on the social, economic and nutritional context of the population.

Design/Methodology/Approach: The study was carried out with two blocks of surveys, the first with the local government and the second with peasants, evaluating the socioeconomic status, importance of livestock and agriculture, nutritional status and culture. The method was deductive and descriptive; the information was with multivariate analysis of principal components.

Results: Government support does not reduce poverty. Families feel secure with their material goods. The nutritional status of the population is lacking. Raising chickens, turkeys and Creole pigs prioritizes livestock activity. Self-consumption and the commercialization of plant species is a traditional activity. There is a culinary culture.

Limitations on study/Implications: The restriction of information by the municipal government; the pandemic problems to generate more information from the surveys.

Conclusions: It is necessary to create efficient programs that improve agricultural and livestock production in the region, with the purpose of improving the nutritional status of the population and generating economic resources to reduce poverty.

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