Synthetic fertilizers and vermicompost in juvenile Persian lime (Citrus x latifolia Tanaka ex Q. Jiménez) trees PERSIAN LEMON


Juan Valente Megchun Garcia
María del Refugio Castañeda-Chávez
Ana Lid Del Ángel Pérez
Gonzalo Guillermo Lucho-Constantino
Jeremias Nataren-Velazquez
Eder Zaragoza Villela


Nutrition, citrus, vermicompost.


Objective: To evaluate fertilization with vermicompost and NPK mineral fertilizer in young Persian lime (Citrus x latifolia Tanaka ex Q. Jiménez) trees.

Design/Methodology/Approach: A randomized block design was established with eight treatments and four repetitions: T1, 0 kg tree-1; T2, 90-22.5-22.5 N-P-K kg ha-1; T3, 2 kg tree-1 of vermicompost; T4, 3 kg tree-1 of vermicompost; T5, 4 kg tree-1 of vermicompost; T6, 90-22.5-22.5 N-P-K kg ha-1 + 2 kg tree-1 of vermicompost; T7, 90-22.5-22.5 N-P-K kg ha-1 + 3 kg tree-1 of vermicompost; and T8, 90-22.5-22.5 N-P-K kg ha-1 + 4 kg tree-1 of vermicompost. The study variables were tree height, stem thickness, crown diameter from North to South (N-S) and East to West (E-W), soil pH, and soil moisture (%). The data were statistically analyzed applying the MINITAB V.17 statistic through an ANOVA (P≤0.05), while a multivariate analysis was used for the means comparison.

Results: The tree height and crown diameter variables had different results in the Persian lime trees treated with 4 kg tree-1 of vermicompost (T5). The tree canopy had a similar development than T5 with vermicompost treatments combined with NPK mineral fertilizer.

Study Limitations/Implications: Conventional lime production indiscriminately uses synthetic fertilizers, polluting natural resources. Organic fertilizers are a nutritional alternative for the trees.

Findings/Conclusions: The vermicompost treatment efficiently maintains adequate soil moisture during the dry season, improving the growth and development of Persian lime trees.

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