Characterization in Clonal Selections of Citrus X latifolia Tanaka ex Q. Jiménez Español


F. López-Fortoso
M. T. González-Arnao
J. E. Bulbarela-Marini
M. C. Pastelín-Solano
M. Guevara-Valencia
P. Rascón-Díaz
C. A. Cruz-Cruz
Odón Castañeda Castro


Persian lime, graft, rootstock, shoot, accessions.


Objective: To physically and chemically characterize clonal selections of Persian lime
(Citrus x latifolia Tanaka ex Q. Jiménez).
Design/Methodology/Approach: The principal components analysis was employed,
using a mixed data factorial analysis model. Genotype distribution was graphed using
principal components with the k-medoids method, while a Gower’s dissimilarity matrix
was determined for the conglomerate analysis and a dendrogram was developed using
Ward’s minimum variance cluster method. For the morphological characterization of the
fruits, the study considered the following trees: Citrus volkameriana, Citrus macrophylla,
Citrus paradisi X Poncirus trifoliata, X Citroncirus spp., and Citrus X aurantium. The
fruit’s diameter, length, weight, color, and shape were analyzed, in addition to its base
shape, tip shape, surface texture, albedo adherence, number of seeds, ripening rate,
juice weight, juice yield, pH, °Brix, and titratable acidity. Data were analyzed using R
software and the factoextra and FactoMineR packages.
Results: The physical and chemical traits of Persian lime fruit vary due to the
correlations between the types of rootstock that are cultivated in the citrus zone studied.

Study Limitations/Implications: Farmers do not know which clone or type of plant
material they propagate; they simply select clones that show outstanding morpho-
agronomical traits.
Findings/Conclusions: The morphological diversity and quality of the fruit is related to
the type of rootstock used in its propagation, in addition to internal and external traits in
Citrus macrophylla standing out in fruit quality.

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