Vegetative development and bean yield in magnetized nutrient solution in combination with variable pH


Aurelio Morales-Rivera
Anselmo González-Torres
Urbano Nava-Camberos
Pedro Cano-Ríos
Leticia R. Gaytán-Alemán
Francisco G. Véliz-Deras
Norma Rodríguez-Dimas


Phaseolus vulgaris L, magnetization, acidity, biomass, production.


Objective: Due to the importance of beans in human consumption, the vegetative development and seed yield of Black Veracruz beans were evaluated using a nutrient solution with different magnetization times in combination with different pH.

Design/methodology/approach: The experimental design used was completely randomized with a 4 x 6 factorial arrangement with three replications. 24 treatments of the combination of four magnetization times and six degrees of acidity of the nutrient solution were evaluated. The variables evaluated were vegetative development and yield components. The results were subjected to an analysis of variance and media separations were performed using Tukey's test (α £ 0.05).

Results: The magnetization and the degree of acidity of the nutrient solution significantly influenced the variables. The most outstanding treatments were 2 and 24 hours of magnetization in combination with pH values ​​of 4 and 5, for most of the variables of vegetative development and evaluated yield components. The 2 magnetization treatments together with pH values ​​of 4 and 5 increased height, biomass hours, days to flowering, number of pods, harvest index and seed yield.

Study Limitations/Implications: Care should be taken that magnetic field exposure at high intensities may produce adverse effects on growth and development.

Findings/conclusions: It is concluded that an appropriate combination of magnetization time and degree of acidity of the nutrient solution improves vegetative development and yield.

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