The chita, handicrafts in vegetable fibers


Juana Carrasco-Soria
Concepción Sánchez-Quintanar
Óscar L. Figueroa-Rodríguez
Arturo Castañeda-Mendoza
Mercedes A. Jiménez-Velázquez


Handicrafts, Indigenous Peoples, vegetable fibers, Zacatlán, chita, value chain.


Objective: Identify the vegetable fibers and activities carried out in the production of basketry, in particular the chita, as the most significant craft of the community of San Miguel Tenango (SMT), in Zacatlán, Puebla.

Disign/methodology/approach: A phenomenological study oriented to the artisan production of San Miguel Tenango was carried out, through documentary research, observation and interviews with artisans and key informants. The value chain approach was used to understand the process, the inputs and the actors involved in the elaboration of the chita, the main handicraft in vegetable fibers in the study site.

Results: The vegetable fibers used in the elaboration of traditional crafts were identified, the "chita" was distinguished as the most significant. The links of the value chain in production were recognized, as well as the perception that artisans have about their work.

Study limitations/implications: Most of the people dedicated to basketry do not recognize themselves as artisans, moreover, they are not organized or adequately account for the cost of their work.

Findings/conclusions: The plant species used in the elaboration of handicrafts are easily accessible for their use; although discrimination against native (ethnic) peoples and the use of traditional materials persists. They are biodegradable, highly resistant, flexible and can be an ecological option in the face of the indiscriminate use of synthetic materials.

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