Pests and diseases in coffee (Coffea arabica L.) production in two municipalities of the State of Puebla


José Pedro Juárez-Sánchez
Benito Ramírez-Valverde
José Gustavo Ramírez-Suárez


living conditions, chemical control, poverty.


Objective: To analyze the presence and impact of pests and diseases on coffee production in two indigenous communities in the state of Puebla.

Design/Methodology/Approach: Information was collected through interviews with 57 growers in Huehuetla and 52 in Cuetzalan.

Results: The coffee area sown in the region is made up of very small minifundios (very small plots, not big enough to produce profits), which reflects the challenging living conditions of coffee farming families. A statistically significant difference in yield was recorded between municipalities (t=2.348; p=0.021). The coffee varieties grown in the region include: Typica, Caturra, Mundo Novo, Garnica, and Bourbon. Pests and diseases were found in the plots of the farmers. The most prevalent pests and diseases were the coffee berry borer and the coffee leaf rust, found in 57 and 42.9% of the farms. In the case of coffee leaf rust, statistically significant differences were recorded (χ²=3.906; p=0.048) between the two municipalities, with a higher prevalence in Cuetzalan (53.1%) than in Huehuetla (33.9%). Additional pests and diseases were identified, including American leaf spot (24.8%), pellicularia koleroga (7.9%), cercospora leaf spot (6.9%), coffee white stem borer (6.1%), root rot (6%), and coffee leaf miner (3%). Chemical treatments are used to control most of these pests and diseases.

Study Limitations/Implications: The detection of pests and diseases depended on the perception of the grower.

Findings/Conclusions: Coffee growers in these municipalities are among the poorest of the region. Furthermore, their crops are impacted by pests and diseases, which increase their already challenging living conditions.

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