Date estimation for the control of avocado (Persea americana Mill.) anthracnose (Colletotrichum sp.)


Elisa Duran-Peralta
Arturo Huerta-de la Peña
Consuelo Acuayte-Valdes
Ramón Núñez-Tovar


weather, Colletotrichum, forecast.


Objective: To generate a program that estimates the dates or times for the control of avocado anthracnose, based on the meteorological conditions required for the infection, establishment, and development process.

Design/Methodology/Approach: An Excel program was developed to estimate temperature (T), relative humidity (RH), dew point (PR), leaf wetness (LW), and probability of precipitation (PoP) and to evaluate, on an hour-per-hour basis, the fulfillment of the climate thresholds required for the establishment and development of Colletotrichum sp. The maximum and minimum daily temperature must be determined with an 80% probability of occurrence and the probability of precipitation. This information was obtained from the daily records of the CONAGUA (National Water Commission) weather stations for three avocado-producing municipalities in Puebla during a 16-year period (2007-2022).

Results: The resulting program estimates the meteorological variables for the following ten days. The conditions in January were not optimal for the onset and development of avocado anthracnose in the three municipalities of Puebla taken as a case study. On the contrary, June had optimal temperature and relative humidity, as well as a higher probability of precipitation.

Study Limitations/Implications: Accurate data on the meteorological conditions of the orchards under study are required to increase efficiency.

Findings/Conclusions: The program will help producers to determine application dates, developing a more user-friendly and efficient management proposal for controlling avocado anthracnose.

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