Chemical Management of Helianthus annuus L. as a Broadleaf Weed in Interaction with the Zea mays L. Crop


Sergio Ayvar-Serna
José F. Díaz-Nájera
José L. Arispe-Vázquez
Fidel Reyna-Cruz
Maricela Apáez-Barrios
Susana E. Ramírez-Sánchez
Manuel A. Tejeda-Reyes
Oscar G. Barrón-Bravo
Luis M. Tamayo-Esquer
Edgar J. Delgado-Núñez
William Zárate-Martínez
Leslie Carnero-Avilés


weed, chemical control, herbicide


Objective: To evaluate the biological effectiveness of progressive doses of the herbicide Condraz® (tritosulfuron + dicamba) in post-emergence in dicotyledonous plants grown in consortium with corn in a greenhouse.

Design/methodology/approach: The research was performed out in a greenhouse within the facilities of the Colegio Superior Agropecuario del Estado de Guerrero. Dekalb 357® corn was established, planted in a consortium with sunflower, to measure the response to different dosages of the herbicide Condraz® (tritosulfuron + dicamba). We worked with a completely randomized block experimental design (DBCA).

Results: The treatments were 100% effective, because they eliminated the sunflower plants used as a representative of dicotyledonous weeds; while, in treatment T1 (water) the number of these was not affected, which was 10 sunflower plants per pot in the two experiments.

Limitations on study/implications: Our results are specific for the management of dicotyledonous weeds in corn.

Findings/conclusions: Condraz® herbicide is effective in eliminating dicotyledonous weeds when applied in doses ranging from 100 to 190 g per ha.

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