The Sociocultural Dimension of the Maize Value Chain in Chiapas, Mexico


Francisco Guevara-Hernández
Manuel A. La O-Arias
Pedro Cadena-Iñiguez
Ligia Margarita Domínguez-Castañon
Deb Raj-Aryal
René Pinto-Ruiz


Zea mays L., ethnobotany, tradition, value chain, self-consumption


bjective: To analyze the sociocultural dimension of the maize value chain in the Frailesca region, Chiapas, Mexico, in order to contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the system.

Design/Methodology/Approach: The research was exploratory and descriptive, combining quantitative and qualitative methods. The value chain and systems analysis approaches were integrated. Two types of information were used: primary data, through semi-structured interviews with actors in the production chain, and secondary data, through available official statistical information.

Results: The main results indicate that traditional management, product use, and technological modernity influence marketing channels in a non-linear manner. The production link is based on family labor; the transformation and consumption links are based on local food culture. The sociocultural factor is a determinant of the maize agroecosystem value chain in Chiapas.

Study Limitations/Implications: It is necessary to consider sociocultural aspects in the development programs for maize production and consumption in La Frailesca, with an approach that goes beyond value chain analysis and recognizes networks and production-consumption systems. Analyzing the value chain of agricultural product use and transformation from a scientific research perspective contributes to identifying critical limitations among actors and their relationships for the improvement of the agroecosystem.

Findings/Conclusions: The production link is based on family labor and small production systems with diverse potentials in the four municipalities studied. The transformation and consumption links are driven by local food culture, creating feedback that also affects the production sector. The maize value chain in the Frailesca region is characterized by encompassing family and local domains, with significant sociocultural influence, where the value addition flow is far from linear. Although not hegemonic, the sociocultural factor plays a predominant role in the maize agroecosystem value chain in La Frailesca.

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