Vanilla (Vanilla planifolia Jacks ex. Andrews) marketing processe in the northeast Sierra of the state of Puebla.


C. Rodríguez-López
Silvia X. Almeraya-Quintero
Lenin G. Guajardo-Hernández
M. Borja-Bravo
José Regalado-López


Processe, marketing, vanilla, Northeast Sierra


Objetive: Analyze the vanilla marketing process in the Northeastern Sierra of the state of Puebla, and identify the factors that limit this process, to propose specific actions that benefit small producers in the Totonacapan region of Puebla.

Design/methodology/approach: The information was obtained from the application of 68 surveys to key informants in the municipalities of Huehuetla, Caxhuacan, Ixtepec, Hueytlalpan, Olintla, Jonotla, Cuetzalan del Progreso, Tuzamapan de Galeana and Tlatlauquitepec, belonging to the northeastern region of the state of Puebla. A mixed questionnaire was applied.

Results: One of the main problems detected is the commercialization of the product; despite the vast experience of these producers from production to harvest, they face the problem of intermediation; the small production units are not organized in such a way that they can request specific training for each link in the vanilla production chain. It is essential that there is an organization with leadership that influences, motivates and encourages producers to achieve common objectives, before the corresponding authorities that, in addition to the support offered, are also part of the development of public policies that permanently allow inclusion, training, support, technological exchange, and validation of knowledge in the Totonacapan region.

Limitations on study/implications: In the vanilla production chain in the study region, there is no register of producers, which was a limitation to having a greater number of producers surveyed.

Findings/conclusions: One of the main problems detected is the commercialization of the product; despite the vast experience of these producers from production to harvest, they face the problem of intermediation; the small production units are not organized in such a way that they can request specific training for each link in the vanilla production chain. It is essential that there is an organization with leadership that influences, motivates and encourages producers to achieve common objectives, before the corresponding authorities that, in addition to the support offered, are also part of the development of public policies that permanently allow inclusion, training, support, technological exchange, and validation of knowledge in the Totonacapan region.

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