Effect of starch from chayotextle (Sechium edule (Jacq.) Sw.) and erythritol on the physicochemical and sensorial quality of a yogurt en-riched with inulin


Susana E. Altamirano-Romo
Marcelo Garrido-Torres
Apolonio Vargas-Torres
Giselle Muñoz-Sánchez


Sechium edule, chayote, prebiotics, sweeteners, lactic cultures.


Objective: To evaluate the incorporation of chayotextle (Sechium edule) root starch and erythritol on the physicochemical quality of a yogurt enriched with inulin.

Design/methodology/approach: The following treatments were established: T1: Erythritol 2.1%; T2: Starch 1% + Erythritol 2.1%; T3: Sugar 1.5% + Erythritol 1.05%; T4: Starch 1% + Sugar 1.5% + Erythritol 1.05%; T5: Sugar 3% and T6: Starch 1% + Sugar 3%. The variables nutritional content, pH, total soluble solids, syneresis, and sensorial quality were determined through CATA.

Results: The incorporation of chayotextle starch to yogurt favored an increase in the content of non-fatty solids and a decrease in syneresis, while the use of erythritol as sugar substitute decreased the caloric content and of non-fatty solids and increased the pH and syneresis, contrary to the use of sugar. Enrichening all the formulations with 5% of inulin favored the stability and increased the dietary fiber in all the treatments. Sensorially, the chayotextle starch combined with sugar favored a greater sensorial acceptance of the yogurt.

Limitations on study/implications: To evaluate the texture profile of the yogurt, as well as the use of other stabilizers such as potato, corn, yucca and gums like xanthan, arabic or even carboxymethyl cellulose which are commercial.

Findings/conclusions: The addition of erythritol does not substitute sugar as a sweetener from the sensorial point of view. However, nutritionally, it reduces the caloric content in 57%. Inulin favors the dietary fiber content, while the chayotextle starch together with sugar preserved the physicochemical and sensorial characteristics of yogurt

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