Antioxidant activity and sensory acceptability of whey protein-based smoothie beverages made from mango (Mangifera indica L.) cv Haden and strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) cv Festival


Alejandro Santos Espinosa
Priscilia Yazmín Heredia Castro
Jesús Sosa Castañeda
José Eleazar Aguilar Toalá


smoothie, antioxidant activity, whey protein, acceptability


Objective: To assess the effect of different whey proteins levels on the physicochemical, antioxidant activity, and sensory acceptability of smoothie beverages made from mango and strawberry.

Design/methodology/approach: Twenty-four formulations were evaluated (type of fruit and concentration level of whey protein).

Results: Adding of whey protein to smoothies composed of mango and strawberry increased the protein content and antioxidant activity by 2-2.5-fold compared to control smoothies’ samples without whey protein. Sensory analysis showed that in terms of overall acceptance, all produced smoothies were considered very acceptable by the panelists.

Limitations on study/implications: Smoothies enriched with whey proteins can be a good new food product that incorporated nutritional and functional compounds into the human diet.

Findings/conclusions: Smoothies produced from mango and strawberry fruits enriched with whey proteins can be considered valuable products as source of bioactive compounds and from sensory points of view.

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