Economic valuation of a gallery landscape of ahuehuetes in Ciudad Mendoza Veracruz, using the AMUVAM method


T. Rafael. A. Muñoz-Márquez


valuation, environmental assets, landscape, total economic value


Objective: to determine the value, in monetary terms, of the landscape "Bosque de Galería de Ahuehuetes, in Mendoza, Veracruz", in order to have a reference for the purposes of planning and management of this environmental asset by the municipality.

Design/ Methodology/ Approach: the Analytic Multicriteria Valuation Method (AMUVAM) was used. A survey was made of 10 experts in the study area on the elements of the total economic value (VET) of the asset and the results were weighted to determine the importance of the components of the VET. The rent was determined based on the availability of the population to pay for the aesthetic enjoyment of the visit to the site; income updated by means of a social discount rate (TSD) to environmental projects with a time horizon of more than 30 years.

Results: an estimation of 23,603,041.37 USD was obtained as monetary value. It was the result of the valuation of the landscape of this gallery forest in November 2022.

Study limitations/ Implications: results were considered adequate. The main limitations of this type of studies are the time and economic resources needed in order to add other elements that could be considered beyond aesthetic enjoyment. Specific elements would allow to find an even more robust direct use value.

Findings / Conclusions: it can be noticed that the application of the method was adequate to determine the monetary value of this asset. Based on the determination of the willingness of people to pay for access to the aesthetic enjoyment of the analyzed landscape.

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