Comarca Lagunera: Between the socioeconomic characterization and the availability of piped water


María Ornella Ortiz Rodríguez
Luis Daniel Magadán Revelo
María Josefa Jiménez Moreno


actividades primarias, desigualdad, viviendas sin agua


Objective: This research aims to describe with sociodemographic features the municipalities that make up the
Comarca Lagunera. They are located in the states of Coahuila and Durango. In Coahuila, they are: Francisco
I. Madero, Matamoros, San Pedro, Torreón and Viesca; and in Durango: Gómez Palacio, Lerdo, Mapimí and
Design/methodology/approach: The methodological strategy is quantitative, using descriptive statistics as
analysis technique to incorporate synthetic measures (such as indices) and proportions. The information sources
come from different instances (CONEVAL, CONAPO and INEGI). In all cases, the level of disaggregation
is municipal and the moment of information collection corresponds to 2020. The population volume of the
municipality is described, as well as its proportion with regards to the number of inhabitants in the state. Later,
the results from the Gini index, marginalization index, proportion of occupied population devoted to primary
activities, and proportion of private households without access to piped water are incorporated.
Results: The municipalities that had the highest values for each of the variables are presented. In Mapimí the
Gini index is 0.54; in Viesca, 36.2% of the population is dedicated to primary activities; in Tlahualilo, 4.13% of
households lack piped water; and the index of marginalization in Torreón is 0.62.
Limitations on study/implications: It was not possible to present the information with a higher level of
disaggregation because the chosen variables only have data available up to the municipal level.
Findings/conclusions: The use of indices allows to carry out a very useful characterization and can be
strengthened by the inclusion of specific variables that account for the municipal situation.

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