Women in the labor market and economic growth in Mexico


Esther Figueroa Hernàndez
F. Pérez-Soto
R. A. Pérez-Figueroa


women, employment, labor market, general minimum wage, economic growth.


Objective: the objective of this study was to analyze the participation of women in the labor market and the effect on economic growth in Mexico, 2000-2021.

Design/ Methodology/ Approach: three multiple linear regression models were developed using the Ordinary Least Squares method.

Results: the most statistically significant variables were the exchange rate, wage and the employed female population. The most significant elasticities were found at an increase of 10.0% of the employed female population, the GDP would increase by 7.83%. For the model where only the employed female population was analized, at an increase of 10% in it, the GDP would increase by 10.01%.

Study limitations/ Implications: the main limitation was that the information is not available from a single source and the figures vary depending on the official institution.

Findings/ Conclusions: based on the results obtained, it is concluded that the participation of women in the labor market does increase economic growth.

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