The importance of blackberry (Rubus spp.) production in Mexico


Geremías Rodríguez-Bautista
Luis Valenzuela
Haidel Vargas-Madriz
Pedro Fabián Grifaldo-Alcantara
Demetrio Meza-Rodriguez
Cristina Camberos-Jimenez
Noemi Canseco-Santos


blackberry, production, varieties.


Objective: To carry out a bibliographic review about the current situation of the commercial production and the generation of blackberry varieties in Mexico.
Approach: Based on the existent databases, a bibliographic review about the current blackberry production, production indicators, and generation of new varieties in Mexico was carried out. Berries have been produced in Mexico since the 19th century. The exportation of this product was a response to the North American market windows and generated new varieties adapted to the Mexican weather conditions. The USA market demands berries mainly in autumn, winter, and spring. During this period, prices are very attractive due to the lack of domestic American production. This situation causes a production increase in the berries sector,
where innovative practices have been developed. In Mexico, the first commercial blackberry plantation was established in 1983, in Tetela del Volcán, Morelos. The Boysenberry (a raspberry-blackberry hybrid) was the chosen variety. The Brazos variety was the first blackberry variety that was planted and, in 1998, it was replaced by the Tupi variety, which has an excellent quality and shelf lifespan.
Conclusions: The blackberry productive chain is a source of direct and indirect employment during its
production and commercialization. Mexico is one of the main blackberry exporters worldwide. Additionally,
blackberry consumption has health benefits, because it prevents the development of several diseases.

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