Adaptability of sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) clones, introduced by exchange to southeastern Mexico.


Apolonio Valdez Balero
J.F. Juárez-López
J.J. Obrador-Olán
E. García-López
E. Carrillo-Ávila


Selection, yield, sucrose, production, theoretical sugar.


Objective: To evaluate sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) clones in the adaptability phase and select those with high field and factory yields that significantly exceed the commercial control clones.
Design/Methodology/Approach: Fourteen sugarcane clones were evaluated in a crop established for the first time and to which no cut has been made. The experimental design consisted of randomized complete blocks with four repetitions. The following agricultural characteristics were evaluated: stalk weight, population, and yield. The following industrial characteristics were likewise assessed: sucrose content, juice purity, and theoretical sugar production. Both values were compared with the values of the local clones MEX 69-290 and CP 72-2086 that were used as control.
Results: Statistical differences were found in agricultural and industrial characteristics between clones. In terms of stalk weight, the LTMEX 94-02 clone stood out, while, in population terms, the Mex 95-35 clone recorded the highest
number of stalks per ha. Regarding field yield, the COLPOSCTMEX 09-1433 clone obtained significantly higher tonnage per hectare than the two control clones. Among the factory characteristics, the MEX 96-10 clone stood out with a significantly higher concentration of sucrose and with the highest juice purity. Finally, the COLPOSCTMEX 09-1433 clone had the highest theoretical sugar production value, which was statistically superior to the two control clones.
Study Limitations/Implications: The data were obtained from a crop established
for the first time.
Findings/Conclusions: At least four clones showed high field and factory yields: COLPOSCTMEX 09-1433, LTMEX 94-02, MEX 95-59, and MOTZMEX 00-1192. All four showed a field performance that had better statistics than the control MEX 69-290; therefore, it would be appropriate to pursue its evaluation and multiplication during the semi-commercial test phase. However, since they were introduced, their evaluation should continue under the environmental conditions of the region.

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