Effect of agronomic characteristics of hybrid and Creole corn using native plant growth-promoting bacteria to reduce the production cost Effect on the agronomic characteristics of hybrid and criollo corn using native plant growth-promoting bacteria as a low-cost production alternative: A rural experience in southern México.


Yad Ciri Ojendiz Mata https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1660-2108
Francisco Palemón Alberto https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3674-9729
María Laura Sampedro Rosas
Sergio Gabino Ramírez Roja
Maximino Reyes umaña https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0954-3434
Jeiry Toribio Jiménez https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9455-6442


Corn, plant growth-promoting bacteria, biofertilizer


Objective: To design and to evaluate an environmentally-friendly biofertilizer based on plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB), assessing the agronomic characteristics of two genotypes of C/Acceleron A7573 hybrid and Creole corn.

Design/methodology/approach: A biofertilizer based on PGPB was designed and assessed in a completely random experimental block design with nine treatments and four repetitions in C/Acceleron A7573 hybrid and Creole corn in a plot at El Pericón, municipality of Tecoanapa, Guerrero, Mexico. The microorganisms Rhizobium sp., A. brasilense and A. vinelandii were used.

Results: The use of PGPB has greater effectiveness in all the agronomic variables and better yields because they are adapted to the environmental and soil conditions, with it being an excellent alternative to the use of fertilizers.

Limitations on study/implications: The demonstrative experimental plot had 5000 m2 and it was the main limitation.

Findings/conclusions: Bacteria of the genus A. brasilense YOM9 and A. vinelandii YOC4 contributed to the higher yield of the C/Acceleron A7573 hybrid corn seed, and Rhizobium sp R01 and A. vinelandii YOC4 in the Creole grain of the olotillo race compared to the T9 fertilizer and the absolute control. A biofertilizer for corn is obtained based on results from this study, as an ecotechnology based on PGPB

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