Socioeconomic diagnosis of a group of meliponiculturists in the local-ity of San Antonio Cayal, Campeche, Mexico


José Rodrígo Tucuch Tun
William Rolando Cetzal Ix
Héctor Manuel Jesús López Castilla
Miguel Angel Magaña Magaña


Meliponiculture, Melipona beecheii, honey.


Objective: To identify the economic, technical, and social characteristics of a group of meliponiculturists established in the locality of San Antonio Cayal, Campeche, Mexico.

Design/methodology/approach: An interview card was applied to ten members of a group of meliponiculturists, and each card consisted of 20 open and closed questions distributed in the following sections: general data, technical aspects, characteristics of the meliponary, production, market, and perspectives of meliponiculture. An observation guide was also applied.

Results: It was found that in the locality of San Antonio Cayal, meliponiculture is a recent activity (four years); the activity started with a total of ten people, with ages between 47 and 64, using modernized boxes and the honey extraction technique using syringes. However, currently the activity is only practiced by two people.

Limitations on the study/implications: Meliponiculture is a scarcely practiced activity in the locality, and therefore, there are few records of this activity.

Findings/conclusions: The study allowed us to understand the limitations of the group of meliponiculturists that caused the dispersion of the group, and allowed finding different areas of opportunity (management, production) to strengthen the activity.

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