Water consumption of three ornamental species with the suction irrigation system


Abel Quevedo Nolasco
Sergio Herrera https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3303-5077
Patricia Zamora Morales https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8724-6681
Enrique Rodríguez Cruz https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1253-0768


Sustainable irrigation, irrigation, water efficiency.


Objective: To evaluate water consumption in ornamental plants (geranium, gazania and petunia) in two substrates with different particle sizes (fine and coarse) of tezontle and peat moss, through a suction irrigation system, which uses porous capsules as irrigation emitters.

Design/methodology/approach: The experimental design was in complete randomized blocks, with six treatments (three ornamental species and two substrates) with four repetitions (24 experimental units). The first mixture contains fine substrate (composed of tezontle with particle size less than 0.4 mm) and peat moss, in a 1:2 v/v ratio; the second mixture presents coarse substrate (composed of tezontle with particle size between 0.4-0.6 mm) and peat moss, 1:1 in v/v.

Results: In water consumption, there are significant differences by ornamental species and type of substrate, where the irrigation system has the ability to self-regulate. The highest water consumption was in petunia in the coarse substrate (which has a higher proportion of peat moss in its composition).

Limitations on study/implications: With use in protected agriculture, rural and urban orchards, gardens, walls and green roofs and research purposes.

Findings/Conclusions: The suction irrigation system through porous capsules has the capacity to continuously supply the water demanded by the plant-substrate-atmosphere system.

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