Thermal sum in the determination of the phenological stages of Chihuahua and Cuauhtémoc oats in Güémez Tamaulipas


Fernando Lucio-Ruiz
Santiago Joaquín-Cancino
Jonathan Raúl Garay-Martínez
Benigno Estrada-Drouaillet
Yuridia Bautista-Martínez
Andres Gilberto Limas-Martínez


Forage, Avena sativa, degrees development days, temperature, Güémez Tamaulipas.


Objective: To determine the thermal sum requirements in degrees days of development (GDD) of the varieties of Avena sativa, Cuauhtémoc and Chihuahua by phenological stage and its effect on the accumulation of total forage and by morphological component in Güémez, Tamaulipas.

Design/methodology/approach: The sowing was carried out in plots of 6×6 m and four repetitions of the Cuauhtémoc and Chihuahua varieties through the mechanized preparation of the land, with doses of 120 kg ha-1 of seed and, subsequently, irrigation and fertilization work was carried out. The treatments were made up of the two varieties and six phenological stages (Zadoks scale: Z2, Z3, Z4, Z7, Z8, Z9) in a random complete block design.

Results: It was found that, the months of November to March allow to obtain 1923.5 and 1831.5 GDD as a requirement of the crop to complete the biological cycle of the Chihuahua and Cuauhtémoc varieties. Yields by morphological component depended on the observed phenological stage and the highest leaf yield was obtained with 2.7 and 3.6 t ha-1 in Cuauhtémoc and Chihuahua, respectively (P<0.05) in stage Z3, with an accumulation of 1032 and 980 GDD in the stem elongation stage.

Limitations on study/implications: These results are applicable only for the evaluation area, because they are physiological responses where the environment intervenes.

Findings/conclusions: In Güémez, Tamaulipas, the Chihuahua oat variety requires 1923.5 GDD to complete the biological cycle, while Cuauhtémoc 1831.5 GDD. The difference between the thermal accumulation of the varieties and the phenological stages has an impact on the total forage yield and by morphological component.

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