Genetic resources and product diversification in a transitioning coffee agroecosystem in Mecayapan, Veracruz, Mexico


Jose Carlos Ramírez
Carlos H. Ávila-Bello
Dinora Vazquez-Luna
Daniel A. Lara-Rodríguez
Marina Martínez-Martínez


Agroecológia, Transición, Agroecosistema


Objective: To analyze a coffee agroecosystem undergoing an agroecological transition —considered as an alternative for the efficient use and the conservation of resources— through an agroecological association design with three legumes and one cucurbit in coffee cultivation.

Design/Methodology/Approach: Collection and identification of genetic resources found in the agroecosystem; agroecological association design with three legumes and one cucurbit in a coffee crop; zig-zag soil sampling for physical, chemical, and biological analyses; data analysis using JASP software version 0.16.2.

Results: We identified 42 weed species with various uses within the coffee agroecosystem, as well as the criteria for the association of species according to use. The soil analysis showed a significant correlation between micronutrients and nitrogen-fixing bacteria. The boron variable also influences the growth of such bacteria.

Study Limitations/Implications: The results apply to the agroecological model in transition presented.

Findings/Conclusions: Agroecological transition in coffee agroecosystems is slow but contributes to improving soil conditions. It also allows for the reappearance of usable weed species. There is a significant correlation between boron and the development of nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Likewise, the physical properties of soil have a direct impact on the growth of such bacteria

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