Assessment of postoperative recovery and post-penopexy return of teaser bulls to natural mounting


Mario Abarca Acero
Ronnie de Jesús Arieta Ronmán
Daniel Alejandro Lara Rodríguez
José Antonio Fernández Figueroa


Animal reproduction, Estrus detection, Teaser bulls.


Objective: To assess the perineal penopexy surgical technique in the preparation of teaser bulls for the bovine industry.

Design: To assess the technique, three 11-month-old Swiss-Zebu bovines, with an average weight of 280 kg, were subject to a surgical procedure. The assessed parameters were time of procedure, postoperative recovery (infectious processes), and return to normal mounting.

Results: This study shows a total average time ―from the beginning of the procedure until the animal can stand― of 23.7 min, plus nine days of postoperative recovery, without infectious processes.

Implications: During the postoperative process, the ring might be rejected, fibrous tissue might form as a reaction to the ring’s material, and the penis might be overexposed because of the ring’s diameter.

Limitations: There might be limitations resulting from the surgeon’s experience regarding the location of the sigmoid flexure.

Results: Using this technique contributes to the improvement of the teaser bull preparation protocols for bovine artificial insemination programs

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