Profitability and comparative advantage: Analysis of strawberry production in Michoacán, Mexico


América Ivonne Zamora Torres
Ivan Baez-Figueroa


strawberry, berries, profitability, production in Michoacán.


The production of berries is an issue that has become relevant over time due to the increase in the popularity of these fruits; its use extends every day to more markets, and the fact that its production requires specific geographical conditions and specific care restricts the amount of supply in the international market. Therefore, it is noteworthy that the state of Michoacán presents the appropriate characteristics for planting and harvesting berries. Because of this, the objective of this study is to determine the profitability and comparative advantage of Mexican strawberry production in Michoacán for the year 2021, through the Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM). A limitation to the study is the period of time selected in this case, which corresponds to the year 2021. Among the main conclusions, it stands out that with a value of 0.14 and a value of 0.37, it can be deduced that strawberry production is a competitive activity with an advantage for Michoacán producers.

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