Peasant strategies for the use and conservation of native corn in Juchitepec, Estado de México


Rodrigo González De la Mora
Hermilio Navarro-Garza
Rafael Ortega-Paczka
D. Flores-Sánchez
V. González-Santiago


in situ conservation, plant genetic resources, traditional knowledge.


Objective: To determine the evolution that native corn has had in the municipality of Juchitepec, as well as to describe and analyze the strategies that peasants families are currently implementing for its use and conservation.

Design/methodology/approach: A survey was carried out with 20 peasants in the municipality of Juchitepec, chosen from a random sample obtained from the register of the Producción para el Bienestar program. Additionally, a series of semi-structured interviews were conducted with key informants, in order to identify the most important issues around corn in the region.

Results: An elderly population was found (=61), but with some young people working decisively in its production units. Seventy-five percent own less than 6 ha, mostly communal land property. Eighty-nine percent of the farmers interviewed continue to grow native corn. They achieve this by adapting their practices and knowledge to the soil and climate conditions of their plots, modifying, for example, the sowing date, the variety or species cultivated, and the place of cultivation. Seventeen percent grow hybrid corn. Two native varieties have recently been introduced as a strategy to obtain greater profitability: ancho and cacahuacintle. Some practices are being modified based on the equipment and the economic resources available, such as the “de dos” labor that only 50% of the farmers carry out. Eighty percent do not have agricultural equipment. The use of chemical fertilizers and herbicides is widespread. The sale of corn husks is an economically important activity. Peasants frequently exchange seeds, usually with other members of their own community. The Ozumba market represents a vitally important marketing channel for native corn. The guaranteed prices established in 2019 were low for this type of corn. Peasants are not formally organized for corn cultivation. Sixty-five percent consider themselves peasants.

Study limitations/implications: The study of local agrarian systems with a focus on peasant strategies should contemplate acting under different circumstances, preferably in several work cycles, to better understand their adaptability.

Findings/conclusions: Native corn survives in the region, preserved in a socio-productive system based on peasant knowledges, strategies and socio-technical practices that enable its reproduction and recreation. Peasant strategies for the cultivation and use of these corns strengthen their conservation.

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