The native turkey (Meleagris gallopavo): male morphophysiology


Elvia López-Pérez
Jaime Gallegos-Sánchez
Arturo Pró-Martínez
Juan M. Cuca-García
Francisco Calderón-Sánchez
José A. Herrera-Barragán


Mexican avian species, conservation, spermatozoa.


Objective: To describe the morphophysiology and reproductive characteristics of the male turkey.

Methodology: An analysis based on the practical experiences from over 10 years with the native Mexican turkey was developed and complemented with literature reports.

Results: In Mexico the production management is customs based on traditions and beliefs. In their reproductive morphophysiology, the epididymis absence stands out, as well as a rapid testicular growth during the breeding season, which is controlled by the photoperiod.

Limitations of the study: Native turkey farming is practiced in backyard, in marginalized and low-resource areas that have no strategies (nutritional and reproductive) to improve their production.

Conclusions: The anatomical, morphological, physiological and reproductive characteristics of the native Mexican turkey were documented. The knowledge on these characteristics will allow to develop feeding and reproductive strategies to improve the productive and reproductive performance of the native turkey and preserve their genetic resources.

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