Sociocultural aspects of nourishment and the use of the plot in the rural community of Bandera de Juárez


Diego Valle-Domenech
María del Carmen Álvarez-Ávila
Carlos† Olguín-Palacios
Catarino† Ávila Reséndiz


traditional foodstuffs, identity, socialization


Objective: To analyze sociocultural aspects related to human nourishment and the use of family plots in the community of Bandera de Juárez, Veracruz, México.

Methodology: A literature review, together with open interviews and on-field participative observations, knowledge exchange workshops and life storytelling were made.

Results: The celebration of the feasts of San Isidro Labrador and All Saints Day were identified as moments for the re-creation of identities and strengthening of links that constitute social networks. They represent major occasions for understanding different productive and sociocultural uses of plots. In these phenomena nourishment is an essential factor. The family plot agroecosystem as a space of social importance sets a socialization and identity development process.

Implication: The process players generate awareness on the value of traditional nourishment, the nutritional quality thereof and the rescue of their cultural identity.

Findings: The importance of how nourishment “feeds” cultural processes is outlined. Some useful concepts, both for understanding sociocultural aspects of nourishment, the handling and uses of the plot, as well as the justification for the choice of the research method are discussed.

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